GMS 3.0 for Windows Public Beta
The GroupWise 3.0 for Windows Public Beta has been posted here.
There are a few notes of import if you want to try the beta.
- If you use the Palm or Symbian clients with a prior version of GMS, and you are not using network push you might need to open port 3102 to your GMS server. While the earlier versions only needed 3102 for true network push, GMS 3 clients require port 3102 be open even for polled syncs!
- Both the Palm and Symbian clients have some cool new features, but watch out for the new hot keys! They have changed quite a bit since the earlier clients, and you might need to retrain yourself (and your users) on getting the most out of the keyboard.
- I wasn’t that familiar with the prior Symbian clients, being a die-hard Treo user (Palm OS) myself, but there are MANY new cool features in the Symbian client, at least from a Treo user’s perspective 🙂
I didn’t really run into any snags in the installation of the server, and if you are already a GMS for Windows admin, it will seem very natural and familiar. But if you run into troubles, come see us in the Novell Support Forums in the Wireless newsgroup.
Good luck!
We relly need to open port 3102 for pool??
If you are using the “new” 9.x clients, yes. They seem to do some kind of “talking” over port 3102 even if they are not using the network push functionality.
Hi Danita,
I installed a GMS 3 Beta server and the last Windows Mobile client on a iPaq 514.
I tried to sync (pool, manual sync) with the new client on a 2.0.4 GMS server with Secure Gateway and it still works, so the client doesnt seems to need port 3102 to be open.
As I can see, the Hotsync conduit is not available anymore for PalmOS devices, but the old client still work on GMS 3.
I wasn’t really clear on the “9.x” clients. There are new clients for Palm OS and Symbian OS, and if you use these 9.x clients on those platforms, port 3102 must be open.
I have the following :
– 1 PO GW 7.0.3
– 1 GMS 3 beta (upgraded from 2.0.4)
– 1 SG GMS 3 beta (upgraded from 2.0.4)
All on a virtual lab (vmware).
I installed the new Palm client on a Palm T¦X.
I enabled the Windows firewall to block port 3102 on the SG but I can still sync (using Wifi). It just seems that sync takes longer than if I free port 3102.