Get the service you need for GroupWise 7
On April 2, 2010, GroupWise 7 officially reached End of Life for Novell General Support. What this means for GroupWise 7 (and older!) customers, is that if you have not upgraded to GroupWise 8, you cannot open a Service Request directly with Novell, unless you have specifically purchased Extended Support.. Service Requests can only be opened with Novell for GroupWise 8 issues for customers on standard maintenance. You can continue to receive support at the Novell Support Forums on an “as available basis” as well.
Now, we at Caledonia agree with Novell that you really should get upgraded to GroupWise 8, and we’ll even help you do that if you need assistance. We have the Caledonia Upgrade Guide for GroupWise 8 if you just need some guidance to get you started, or if you need more assistance than that we can give you an estimate for a remote upgrade for your system.
In the meantime though, we realize that you need support for your system before you get it to GroupWise 8. At Caledonia we offer a wide variety of support options from email to telephone to remote access. It’s very easy to open up a support request. Simply send an email to gwsupport at caledonia dot net (doncha love the way we have to try to trick spammers these days?) and we will get back to you as quickly as possible with our rates and availability.
Get the service you need for GroupWise 7 — No Comments
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