New/Updated Products from Advansys
Just in time for the holidays! Advansys has released version 1.5 of Archive to Go, and version 1.0 of Filing Assistant.
Since we began selling Advansys products, we’ve found that Archive to Go seems to be one of our customers’ favorites. We love it too! Archive To Go is a very versatile way to retain email for former employees, archive out mail for departing employees, archiving specific folders as projects complete, and much more. If you don’t have it for your organization, now’s the time. From now til the end of the year we’ll be having an Archive To Go Promotion, offering 5% off of any Archive To Go purchase. Just go to our Advansys page, and on your final check outwill see your discount.
In addition, Advansys has released Filing Assistant version 1.0, a Formativ applet that allows you to quickly and easily file items into a folder easily and quickly, uncluttering your mailbox. If you purchase Filing Assistant with Archive to Go, we’ll throw in a 5% discount for that too!